Forty-four middle school students from the Cobb County School District in Georgia joined Legends of Learning on August 21 on a field trip to Clemson, S.C. There they watched the total solar eclipse from one of the most optimal places in the country. Hear Brian N.'s story about watching to the total solar eclipse.


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  Solar Eclipse on August 21 , 2017

BMS Solar BrianBrian Njoroge submitted this cool essay about science and now EVERYONE in his school-all 1,500 students-will be watching the eclipse on August 21st, 2017 through state of the art Solar Eclipse glasses from Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project and Rainbow Symphony!

Our Wonderful World of Science! By: Brian Njoroge.

Brian MKL SolarScience is an important subject that should be passed down each generation. It is a way to find out all of the phenomena of this world. Science is a very interesting subject for students to learn at school too. The benefits out of science are endless which makes it even more interesting. It also incorporates many other subjects taught at schools. There are so many things that revolve around science, and after all, we live in our wonderful world that is full of science.

Passing science down wouldn’t be hard because it’s just that interesting! I should know, my science class and I can all agree that the things we do there are the best. Evaluating most projects and guessing how they’ll end is what excites us the most. A good example, the “will it sink or float” evaluation, oh you guessed it right, we almost test to see if our science teacher, Mrs. Morrison, would sink in a goo of jelly. The things that we learn are things we want to know and do in future. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. All the more reason I am so engaged in science. As a young child, I like working hard in school to fulfill my dreams of becoming a doctor, which requires learning and understanding all about life science. This also requires learning about the human body also known as human anatomy. Can you imagine naming all human bones, all muscles, and all the components of the human brain, the heart and other organs! How exciting would that be? Other students are just dying to learn all about solar astronomy, they want to be astronauts. With dreams to make a better future, and yes a better salary, let’s all agree we love good money after hard work. It fills the hearts of the researchers or students with the urge to study science because without a doubt, that’s where money lies, in my opinion.

When you think about science, our daily life revolves around it. Big and small machines that we use like vehicles, airplanes, farm equipment are operational because of science. As we all know… some people cannot live without power or electricity, trust me, I know, my tablet and my piano keyboard are my life. They both need electric power to operate. And to think the science behind the hydroelectric power production, power produced from water, yes people, water is what shocks you literally when you stick your finger in a power socket! ALAS! But everything would have been different if Benjamin Franklin, the big 100, didn’t decide to go out that fateful night, AKA that stormy night, and try to fly a kite with a key tied to it. Yes it was a HUGE risk for he got struck by lightning and boy is that frightening when bolts of electricity are flowing through your body. This is actually the scientific way in which he discovered electricity. To insist on the importance of electricity you can see how his fate turned out in the future, rather today.

Think about the light bulb, a glass bulb with a wire filament that when it is heated 

Solar Brian MKL

to high temperatures it begins to glow. What would we do without science in our lives? Who in the world would think of that, other than Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb! We all know about the reference that when a bright idea comes into mind, somehow a bulb in the head lights up. It is derived from this great idea from Edison, and we are thankful that his imaginary “brain bulb” lit up otherwise the world wouldn’t be a dark dark place. Thanks to his the knowledge of science we are able to see at night and in the dark.

 BMS SolarScience, in my opinion is life. Thanks to science and medicine diseases are fewer and less deadly today because of research to find cures. We can be able to fully evolve with new experiences and evolving nuclear energy. We can also cut down on waste finding new ways to dispose of trash or even to recycle. Science is fun, it’s educational, and you’ll never become bored in a scientific world. If we can all come together and at least try to learn and help with science, maybe we can all make a change. We can all do it, it’s not that hard, and after all, we do live in our wonderful world of science!

Sources: Solar Astronomy